Sunday, June 28, 2009

Community Garden Update


Last Fall I received notice that we had to clear out the Community Garden as the city was FINALLY going to decontaminate the soil and we were going to be able to grow some of the those veggies that need more space to grow. Being the dutiful and dedicated gardener that I am, the perennials were dug up and brought home where the lilies survived and thrived and will one day be brought back to the community garden.


   Unfortunately we are now almost to the month of July and the work has not been completed, although I am really happy that they have done the expansion of the space and it will now go all the way to the street. I have been in contact with local politicians concerning the work and there has been no consultation or feedback solicited from the garden members and I hope that the new garden will be more accessible to more people (including those with limited mobility) and that next year we can finally get back in and have a truly organic gardening space to work our magic.

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