Sunday, March 02, 2008

A closer look

Here's a closer look of the little monster as he explores the tree and tries to get at those birds. It's hard to believe that it has already been about one year since Romeo arrived in the yard and has made it his new home. Although he is not the biggest kitty (Houdini is huge compared to the other 2) he is very fit, active and loves his creature comforts.
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Still not close enough...

Try as he might, Romeo can't get high enough to catch those pesky pigeons (and as you can see there are a couple of dozen of them up on the wires). Just wait until spring... I have the feeling he will be scaring them off (or worse) once the snow is gone.
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Angelina is finding it hard to get around all the white stuff and is pretty much ready for spring as well... it's March right?
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Less than thrilled

All of us are pretty much getting to the point of being so tired of winter and eager for spring, and Houdini is less than thrilled by even more snow. Not only have we had the winter with the most amount of snow in ages, we have had the most amount of snow for a February in years and started March off with even more, and the threat of another big storm this week.

Yup... less than thrilled all the way around, and hoping our "In with a Lion" truly means that things will be going out "like a lamb".
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